Wednesday, February 27, 2008


hello everyone!
yes, i'm still alive... and i'm in Uganda! We have very little internet or electricity here, so you might not hear from me again for 9 weeks.... sorry, i'm not ignoring you! We're staying at a place called lake bunyonyi in rural uganda, and it is very beautiful. So far we are taking english workshops with primary school kids and also swimming lessons everyday. Both of these are challenging, especially the swimming lessons as, believe it or not, it is COLD here alot of the time. But the kids are beautiful, and the other volunteers and locals who work here are very friendly. The weather is very unpredictable... even worse than Melbourne weather. It goes from being very hot and sunny to pouring rain to hot and sunny again in a few hours. We are now coming into the rainy season, so it could rain all day every day for the whole time we are here.... hopefully not!!!
My favourite activity so far is riding into town (half an hour away) by boda boda.... motorbike. You can fit two people plus the driver on one , and because we live on a mountain, they just turn off the engine and coast down the hill! It will be even more fun when the roads are wet and slippery...hehe. The roads are pretty crazy, actually. They also drive on the left hand side, allegedly. But generally you just drive on whichever side of the road has less potholes.
A great thing that Ugandans do all the time is sing and dance. They don't use any instruments except a drum... but often classes will end with a dancing session, and of course the internationals MUST participate. Church is also a great experience, with singing and dancing breaking out at any old time!
Anyway.... i have to go.... have been very lucky to have electricity and internet at the moment; hopefully this posts ok.
Love you all and miss you lots!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hi everyone! Jemma and I have made it as far as Amsterdam and it is flipping freezing. But we've made it. Not sticking around for long, we're heading off to Berlin tonight on an overnight bus. Internet here is extremely patchy... it took us FIFTY minutes to send an email to Mum and Dad telling them we were still alive when our phones didn't work. Luckily Dad managed to do something magical to fix them. Hooray for Dad!

More soon... hopefully I'll have something more exciting to say than...'' been on a plane''