Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ledine - Turku - Bufuka - Kyabahinga

Over the past couple of weeks students at Bufuka and Kyabahinga have been responding to letters from children in Turku, Finland. The first classes were hearing about "our typical day" and commenting on the similarities and differences. Activities such as "watching television" and "playing on my computer" were practically incomprehensible to the Bufuka and Kyabahinga children who list football and helping at home as leisure activitiesLast week ten children from P4 (ten years old children) were selected to respond to individual letters from students in the equivalent class from Ledine, Slovenia. They wrote letters on topics such as: our school, what we learn in school, our village. The funniest thing for the students from Bufuka was learning that there are only 16 students in the entire school at Ledine. There are 601 students at Bufuka Primary School! :-) The other exciting part of the activity was seeing a picture of the Slovenian students and taking pictures to send in return.

26. Mar. 2008

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