Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ugandan pick-up lines

Before I launch into this, I must say, Ugandan men are quite rediculously attracted to white women. It's because of the status and money that we have in their community, but still! We couldn't walk down the street without getting at least one marriage proposal (well, maybe that's a slight exggeration). There were some lines that were quite memorable:

Location: Match and Mix bar

Ugandan (to Jemma): How much do you weigh?
Jemma: What?
Ugandan: How much do you weigh? I want to pick you up...

Location: Outside Edirisa

Streetkid 1: Give me a kiss
Me: no
Streetkid 1: Why not?
Me: You're far too young (he was about 12)
Streetkid 2: I want our two souls to become one...

Location: Kampala secondhand clothes market

Ugandan (to Jemma): hello wife!
Ugandan (to me, having had no luck with Jemma): hello wife!

Location: Internet cafe

Ugandan: How old are you?
Us: 18 and 20
Ugandan: Oh! So young to be finished school! Are you married?
Us: No, we're too young
Ugandan: 18's not too young to be married... I really want a white wife (hint hint)

Bride price is still a fairly common practice in the rural villages of Uganda. One man offered to buy Jemma from the local guys she was with for 2 million shillings (about 1000 US dollars, a LOT of money in Uganda!)

This last one requires additional information. For those of you who don't know, Jemma and I do not look alike. Most backpackers are extremely surprised to learn we are sisters, except this one guy...

Location: Edirisa bar

Ugandan: I thought you two were twins. She's the tall one and you're the fat one.

Yes, that was an attempted pick up line. Fat is good in Kabale. (To read another article about this issue see a colleague's articles... )

1 comment:

Uganda said...

haha class!

i remember the one in the internet cafe, that was so funny, but the 'how much do you weigh?' line is awesome!

love it! xx